Promoted by Assessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale and Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Co-Produced and organized by Azienda Speciale Palaexpo and SPAZIO GRIOT
Effects are the products of agency or cause, they are the outcomes of an impulse, an idea, an act – or several. ‘Cause and effect’ is the dualism most often used to allude to this relationship. However, the outcome of any given cause rarely manifests in the singular, one is more likely to be confronted with a plurality of ramifications – a compounding of ‘effects’. The term ‘reverberation’ describes at least two things. The first is a prolongation of sound, a resonance or resounding: the essence of what comes back as an echo when waves of sound are reflected back to their source. The second meaning of reverberation, according to the Oxford dictionary, is “a continuing effect: a repercussion”. This notion of continuing effects, or more accurately, a conceptual mapping of their pervasive nature, is at the heart of SPAZIO GRIOT's exhibitions and public programme in 2024.
After exploring ‘Sediments’ as an allegory for memory in 2022, and ‘Refractions’ as a metaphor for representation in 2023, this year's programme turns to the continuing effects of various hegemonic structures of power and the strategies employed to minimize and weaken their influence. Shown for the first time in Italy, Europe, and Rome respectively, Candice Breitz’s Whiteface (20 June - 2 July), Ligia Lewis’s A Plot A Scandal (3-16 July), and Mónica de Miranda’s Path To The Stars (17-28 July), prompt critical discourses around race, white supremacy and coloniality as the dark side of enlightenment thought, and advance Black-/and woman-led resistance as an enduring mode of futurity.
SPAZIO GRIOT is a nomadic space that platforms multidisciplinary experimentation and exploration. As an itinerant, nomadic think, feel and do-tank rooted in Rome, SPAZIO GRIOT regularly hosts exhibitions, performances, screenings, workshops, residencies, readings, panels and public programmes. Previous events include the exhibition and public programme Refractions (Mattatoio, Rome, 2023), Sediments: After Memory (Mattatoio, Rome, 2022); Whose Wor(l)d is This? Diverse Voices in Urban Literature in the UK and Italy (Rome, London, 2022); the Italian release of Grada Kilomba’s book Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday Racism (with Castello Di Rivoli and Capovolte Edizioni, Turin, 2021), (Memorie) In Ascolto (Listening Memories) (Rome, 2019); the touring performance project Mirrors (Rome, Addis Ababa, Johannesburg, Dakar, 2019). SPAZIO GRIOT’s online magazine GRIOTmag is published in English and Italian. Established in 2015 by Johanne Affricot, GRIOTmag publishes interviews, profiles and reviews in art, culture, music, film and style. With an editorial team working between Berlin, London and Rome, and networks across the African continent, its diaspora and beyond, GRIOTmag is a living document of groundbreaking contemporary cultural production.