Roman preview
with Mohamed Amine Bour, Younes El Bouzari, Youssef El Gahda Lhal
In Italian
Foyer 2, Mattatoio, La Pelanda
Lhal – الحال - THE CRY OF AN ENTRANCED GENERATION is a story, a song, a melody. The performance revives the traditional form of halqa– which means circle in Arabic – an ancient form of street theater originating from Morocco, where spectators form a circle around the performer. The show aims to bring this art form to life through storytelling, song, poetry, and music, narrating various anecdotes of a boy and his grandmother. These tales include family gatherings, such as a wedding celebration, a visit to a shrine, a journey to Italy and encounters with strangers. Lhal – , or trance, also represents the loss of rhythm and an attempt to reconnect with one’s roots through memory.
Admission free while places last.