24 settembre 2024, ore 17:00, 18:00 e 19:00

Andrea Lelario. NOMADI DEL SOGNO
Pavilion 9a
Andrea Lelario. NOMADI DEL SOGNO
Pavilion 9a

As part of the exhibition Nomads of the Dream, the performance Mezzocielo 4.0 - Interference between Distinct Worlds, scheduled for 24 September 2024 in Pavilion 9a of the Mattatoio, will involve the pianist-performer Matteo Bevilacqua and the artist Andrea Lelario in a performative dialogue of interaction between visual art and music.

As in a shared atelier, sign and sound will unite with the unconscious dimensions of the psyche through technological support (EEG neural helmet) and a graphic interface that picks up brain parameters, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the creative act, in its segnic and emotional correspondence.

Mezzocielo 4.0 – Interference between distinct worlds
Matteo Bevilacqua - musician
Andrea Lelario - artist

Hours of the performance:
17.00 - 17.30
18.00 - 18.30
19.00 - 19.30


Admission free while places last

part of
