curated by Laura Cherubini
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Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Crescita Culturale, Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
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Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
The exhibition "SERGIO SARRA excluding the things I chose to do" curated by Laura Cherubini is designed as a collection of works in dialogue with each other and with the historical spaces of Pavilion 9B of the Mattatoio in Rome. The title of the exhibition emphasizes the impossibility of determining in advance the success of a work and is also a statement that reveals the artist's creative approach.
Sarra's work ranges from painting to sculpture and installations. This diversified corpus of art works is held together by an iconography based on a metaphysical design and composition, which offers a vision of an enigmatic and unknown world. The works on show investigate the themes on which the artist's research has been carried out for some years, such as landscapes, faces and prismatic architectures. Within a seemingly empty space the different elements are put in place and by means of a line painted, continuous and abstract, reveal further combinatorial figures.
The project cannot be considered as a "retrospective", as it contains works from 2008 to today, most of which have never been exhibited before.