9 - May 13, 2022

La Pelanda
La Pelanda

from 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm

The workshop is based on the The dance practice of Melting Pot, an immersive and hybrid mechanism that combines different dance styles and approaches to performance. Taking its cue from this dance practice, which focuses on rhythm as a bridge offering multiple connections between people and music, the workshop will explore the notion of the individual and collective "imagination". What goes to make up the "imagination"? How can the "imagination" be shared through the body and through movement? How can we partake of the "imagination" of another person and/or culture? How can the "imagination" be transformed? What is the power of the "imagination"?


Marco Torrice is a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer based out of Brussels. Born and raised in Rome, he studied philosophy at Rome’s La Sapienza University. Earning a diploma in P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in 2010,  he has worked for various choreographers such as Thomas Hauert and Jérôme Bel, and for such dance companies as Hodworks (Hu), Mossoux-Bontè and Rosas (Be). He has also written a number of performances, including Me, Myself and I, Kitty 2012, The way my father imagined it all, Centipedes and Decameron. In addition to his work as a dancer and choreographer, he also teaches at various dance schools such as the P.A.R.T.S. (Be), the Academy of Contemporary Dance in Budapest, the SEAD (At), the Tanzfabrik (De), the Isadora Duncan Center (Cz)), the Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool (Be), the ISAC | Institut Supérieur des Arts et Chorégraphies (Be) and the Da.Re. Dance Research (It).



If you wish to take part in the workshops, you should e-mail a page in .pdf format containing a short biography of yourself and a few lines explaining why you wish to take part, to, specifying the workshop in which you wish to take part and letting us have a phone number where you can be contacted
participation in the workshops is free of charge


Registration deadline 4 May

part of

3 March - 8 May 2022
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13