September 21 - November 17, 2024

La Pelanda

La Pelanda

Music, dance, theatre, new technologies, kids and education intertwine in this 39th edition of the Romaeuropa Festival, which returns to articulate a discourse directed at our present moment, while at the same time allowing continuity to emerge in the evolution of languages- a continuity   based on the interconnection of generations and the encounter of diverse artistic practices

At the very center of our geographical map there lies a space dedicated to experimentation and new 22 performative languages. Thanks to our collaboration with Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, the La Pelanda - Mattatoio di Roma  becomes the epicenter of the Festival, a HUB of young Italian creativity, digital arts and programs for kids: a focal point of meetings and dialogue between disciplines, the public and the staff. Here you can discover sections of the festival that include music, theatre, dance and digital cultures and throughout November, the Kids & Family shows, the playground set up for children and families, as well as a play area and workshops. The Temporary Music Bar curated by Fischio awaits you every day with a selection of independent music and a proposal for Live events.


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