14 - April 23, 2021

Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda
Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda

What does it mean for you to inhabit a space during a residency period? 


It means experiencing the context, allowing your intuitions to develop and to take on unexpected shapes. It's a time where you take your own measure, where you test the potential paths you can follow, moving forward by trial and error. It's crucial to experience the place, even in silence. It's what changes your thoughts and turns them into gestures. It's an intimate dimension that allows your vision to open up towards others.


How would you define the space of your work and research? What will you investigate on this occasion? 


When I think of my work space, the venue for my research, I visualise a large device for change, a kind of shuttle: I know that I'll be a changed person when I come out of it.

I usually examine well-defined spaces contextualised within larger spatial containers. Research space is a space for reflection, a space also open to the patience required to allow the stratification of those experiences that can define your field of action, and indeed the action itself.

I'd like to work on the construction of spatial settings in which to explore the body in relation to the surrounding landscape. What I plan to explore is the way an event is experienced and how to configure constructions of vision to facilitate a state of contemplation towards the onlooker. I envisage an invisible earth evoked by a closed surface like that of a wall-to-wall carpet.

That's the environment in which you define a meeting space where you can just make out the opening of emotional breaches.

It's an opportunity to build the territory outside preset boundaries.

What do you see when you look at a landscape? 



Define “care” in three words 


The moment before a party. 






Aurelio Di Virgilio (IT,1995) is a dancemaker and performer, graduated from the School of Piccolo Teatro in Milan. He continued is training following some choreographers such as Daniele Albanese, Daniele Ninarello, Isabelle Schad, Marco D’Agostin, Elena Giannotti, Virgilio Sieni, gruppo nanou. In 2017 he works as a dancer in LIBERA TUTTI! by Elena Giannotti.
He currently works with Collettivo Treppenwitz, an Italian-Swiss group, with whom he works for L'amore ist nicht une chose for everybody (loving kills) by Simon Waldvogel.

His first work, Sexy movers, has been presented at Cango, Cantieri Goldonetta during the festival La Democrazia del Corpo 2020 - Novissimi, organized by Virgilio Sieni for choreographers U35.

In 2021, presents his new research, LAND in the spaces of La Fondazione | Nicola del Roscio Foundation, on occasion of the event "Paquarosa Phenomenon", in conversation with Pier Paolo Pancotto.

part of

27 December 2020 - 13 August 2021
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13